

RIte Smiles members have access to transportation services

Q3 Word of Mouth newsletter 2023

Some patients have difficulty finding transportation to dental appointments, particularly patients who have low incomes. Informing your patients of the transportation services they may quality for under their plan could help reduce cancellations and no-shows. 

Transportation services for RIte Smiles members

You can share the following transportation service information with RIte Smiles members:

  • Refer members to call MTM, Inc. at 855-330-9131 to request transportation services 
  • Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA)
    • RIPTA has fixed-route bus services to most communities in Rhode Island. Route information is available at ripta.comopen_in_new or by calling Customer Support at 401-781-9400. RIPTA also offers flex services and the Americans with Disabilities Act disabled program.
  • Non-emergency medical transportation broker
    • Non-emergency medical transportation is a covered benefit in Rhode Island Medicaid. The contracted vendor for these services is MTM, Inc. Members should contact MTM at 855 330 9131, Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. ET to arrange for rides to dental appointments. 
    • Members need to request bus tickets for appointments within 7 business days before the appointment
    • Van or taxi rides to medical appointments may be available for members who qualify. Members will need to allow 48 hours before your appointment. 
    • Members may qualify for fuel reimbursement. If an appointment date or time changes, the member is responsible to inform medical transportation management of the change.

Additional resources