Beginning Feb. 1, 2024, you’ll be required to submit claim reconsiderations and medical pre- and post-service appeals electronically. This change affects most* network health care professionals (primary and ancillary) and facilities that provide services to UnitedHealthcare Community Plan (Medicaid) plan members in the following states:
If you use an outside vendor, such as a revenue cycle management company, please ensure they’re aware of the following changes and digital workflow options.
Use the Prior Authorization and Notification tool through the UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal:
Use one of the following options:
Get started with API.
Chat with a live advocate 7 a.m.–7 p.m. CT from the UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal.
For help accessing the portal, technical issues and changing notification preferences, please contact UnitedHealthcare Web Support at 866-842-3278, option 1, 7 a.m.–9 p.m. CT, Monday–Friday.
You can also contact UnitedHealthcare Provider Services at 877-842-3210, TTY/RTT 711, 7 a.m.–5 p.m. CT, Monday–Friday.
* Exclusions: Behavioral health professionals and facilities and home- and community-based services.