
March 01, 2024

Your network directory information may be inaccurate

We recently reviewed our network directory data and found that some provider panel status indicators are incorrect. This could also mean your office location, hours, new patient acceptance status and the services and treatments you provide that we have listed are outdated. 

As a reminder, you’re required to verify and update your demographic and panel status every 90 days. This includes making updates to CAQH to help make sure your staff are giving members accurate information when they call.

Our outreach plan

Beginning in February and continuing throughout April, we may call your practice to help fix some of these panel status and address errors. Also, the Maryland Department of Health will perform a directory audit of MCO primary care providers starting in June. 

View and update your data

You can view your provider profile and search for your practice under the appropriate directory. You can update your data using one of the following methods:

My Practice Profile

CAQH Provider Data Portal 

Accurate information makes a difference

Having accurate information can help:

  • Other health care professionals write referrals, since they often base those decisions on proximity to the patient’s residence
  • Patients find your office location, hours and the services and treatments you provide
  • Patients find any cultural competencies your practice specializes in, such as:
    • Specialized education for cultural understanding
    • LGBTQ+ services
    • Language

Questions? We're here to help.

Connect with us through chat 24/7 in the UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal. For additional contact information, visit our Contact us page.


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