August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Awareness month

August 2022

August is dedicated to preventing and identifying eye injuries and vision loss in children. Parents are encouraged to learn how to protect their children’s eyesight and prevent vision loss by getting regular eye exams for their child. Early detection and proper treatment are key in preventing certain vision issues.

As children prepare to go back to school, it is important to remind parents that healthy vision is critical to academic and social success. Vision problems can affect reading ability, focus, classroom behavior, and social adjustment in school. Children’s Eye Health and Safety Awareness month hopes to bring awareness and educate parents on steps that can be taken to ensure that children are provided with the best opportunity to have a successful school year through healthy vision. The main objectives of Children’s Eye Health and Safety Awareness month are to:

Know more about early detection of vision problems in children

  • Teach parents to look for red flags that a child may have vision problems, such as uneven focus, amblyopia and strabismus
  • Early detection of these vision conditions is crucial

Raise awareness about preventing eye injuries in children

  • Parents can also protect their children from sports related eye injuries
  • Having children wear protective eyewear, such as polycarbonate lenses fitted by a professional, can help to avoid eye injuries

Save children’s eyesight

  • Educate parents on helping their child correct their vision and recover from vision loss

To find out more about children’s vision, visit Prevent Blindness.

Children's Eye Health Awareness