February 2025
Spectera.com is currently transitioning to One Healthcare ID (OHID). At this time, you will have the option to use either your current username and password or OHID to sign in to your spectera.com account. On Feb. 12, 2025, you will no longer be able to use your current username and password to log into spectera.com and OHID will be your only login option.
If you don’t have an OHID account, you must create one now to prevent any issues accessing your spectera.com account after Feb.12, 2025. If you don’t register for an OHID account before the transition, you may experience delays and/or be locked out of your spectera.com account.
View our spectera.com OHID user guide for additional details.
If you’re currently participating in the UnitedHealthcare Community Vision Network / March Vision Network or the UnitedHealthcare Medical Network, or if you use Optum Pay for electronic payments, no action is needed. You can use your existing OHID to log in to spectera.com after the transition.
On and after March 7, 2025, you’ll no longer be able to use email as an authentication method when signing in to your spectera.com account. To maintain uninterrupted access, you’ll be required to update your sign-in methods to include your password plus one of the following additional options:
Updating to passkey, authenticator and/or a verified phone number for authentication helps to better protect identity and practice data.
For more details on what is changing and how to prepare, please review our online user guide.