
March 13, 2025 at 3:30 PM CT

UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal
Currently many of you use email as a portal recovery and multifactor authentication method. Effective March 18, 2025, this option won’t be available. Be prepared: review your options now.

Eligibility and Referrals

Eligibility benefits and referral information for health care providers. Verify patient eligibility, determine benefits, and check or manage health care provider referrals. 

Based on health plan requirements, health care professionals can use UnitedHealthcare digital tools to check eligibility and determine if a prior authorization, notification or referral is required.

Are you a member looking for a provider?

Find in-network providers at myuhc.comopen_in_new.

Verify eligibility and request referrals digitally

We offer several digital tools to help health care professionals manage eligibility and referral activity. The digital solutions comparison guideopen_in_new can help health care professionals choose which tools are right for them.  

UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal

The secure place for accessing patient and practice-specific information including checking eligibility and referral requirements. Sign inopen_in_new to the Provider Portal to begin.

Application Programming Interface

Application Programming Interface (API) is a common interface that interacts between multiple applications in real-time. API solutions allow health care professionals to electronically receive detailed data on the status of claims, eligibility and benefits. Explore the benefits of API or download the overviewopen_in_new. The API marketplaceopen_in_new houses API technical guides. 

Electronic Data Interchange

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the automated transfer of data. This involves enabling seamless and faster information transfers by allowing health care professionals or facilities to check eligibility and benefits. The EDI overviewopen_in_new highlights the benefits of this technology.

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Point of Care Assist
Point of Care Assist® adds real-time patient information to existing electronic medical records (EMRs) to make it easier to understand a patient’s needs. Point of Care Assist includes the following patient information:

  • Clinical
  • Pharmacy labs
  • Eligibility
  • Prior authorization
  • Specialty search
  • Costs

PreCheck MyScript
PreCheck MyScript integrates directly with an EMR, and is available in the Provider Portal, allowing health care professionals to easily run a pharmacy trial claim and get real-time prescription coverage details. Explore the benefits and features.

Designated diagnostic provider
A new UnitedHealthcare commercial plan benefit for lab and major imaging services at lower rates, available in approved states, when using an approved designated diagnostic provider. Refer a member or apply to become an approved designated diagnostic provider.

Coordination of care
A way for health care professionals to collaborate and integrate a member’s physical and behavioral health needs. Our helpful tools and resources support this coordination.

Prior authorization

Sometimes, health care professionals need to determine if UnitedHealthcare covers certain services and receiving notifications is often an important step in that process. Our prior authorization digital tools can help health care professionals seamlessly submit and verify prior authorizations and advance notifications in real-time. To check the status of previously submitted authorizations and notifications use (278I) inquiry


Behavioral Health Resources
These resources can help primary care providers screen patients for depression, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and alcohol/substance misuse. As you’re aware, treatment is critical since it can contribute to the patient’s readiness to change at risk behaviors.

Cancer Therapy Pathways Program
The program is intended to improve quality and value in cancer care by supporting the use of therapies supported by evidence-based guidelines to improve outcomes.

Cancer Support Program
This program focuses on supporting cancer patients who are at high risk for complications and side effects associated with their cancer or treatment and would benefit from the support of our experienced, specialized cancer nurses.

Find a provider referral directory
Search for doctors, clinics and facilities by type to refer your members with options for commercial, Medicare and UnitedHealthcare Community plan.

Preferred lab network
Access the list of currently contracted independent, free-standing laboratory care providers that have met higher standards for access and more.

Education & training

Need help?

Connect with us through chat 24/7 in the UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal.open_in_new