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UnitedHealthcare Outpatient Procedure Grouper Exhibit annual reimbursement update

Review the 2025 Outpatient Procedure Grouper (OPG) Exhibit for annual changes to reimbursement.

Ensure PCP assignment to avoid reimbursement denial

UHCCP members must visit a PCP in the same practice (same Tax ID) as the PCP listed on their ID card.

Texas Medicaid: State-required medication prior authorization updates

Effective May 1, 2025, we’re updating Texas Medicaid clinical prior authorization criteria for certain medications.

New Jersey Medicaid: Prior Authorization is required for all Personal Care Assistance services

Per state guidelines, prior authorization is required for all PCA services administered to New Jersey Medicaid members.

Maryland Medicaid: Discarded drugs and biologicals reimbursement policy update

Starting May 1, 2025, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Maryland will recognize modifier JZ. Learn more.