HealthCheck is a Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Medicaid benefit that covers most diagnostic and intervention services for beneficiaries ages 20 and younger. The goal of HealthCheck is to prevent illnesses and find and treat health issues early.
Members ages 20 and younger who are enrolled in Wisconsin Medicaid, BadgerCare Plus or ForwardHealth are automatically covered for HealthCheck services, including:
Developmental and autism screenings are an important part of the HealthCheck benefit. Please be sure to adhere to the following guidelines for these screenings:
You can view additional screenings and resources to help you support your patient’s care.
You can submit claims for HealthCheck services using the UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal.
Connect with us through chat 24/7 in the UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal. For additional contact information, visit our Contact us page.
CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.