

Resource Library

Access resources for health care professionals, including the latest UnitedHealthcare news, digital solutions, patient care resources, information on joining our network and helpful tips for using the UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal.

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Digital solutions overview
Review our digital options designed to help your practice gain efficiencies and get paid faster.

Digital-first and paperless initiatives
See the list of communications that have been transitioned to digital only.

UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal resources
Helpful tips for using our provider portal, including registration, training, support and new enhancements.

UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal registration
Register as a new user to access the UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal 24/7.

Out-of-network registration
Register to utilize our provider portal as an out-of-network provider or third-party billing company.

Application programming interface (API)
Tools and resources to connect to UnitedHealthcare through API.

Electronic data interchange (EDI)
Tools and resources to connect to UnitedHealthcare through EDI.

Point of Care Assist
Point of Care Assist puts personalized, real-time patient data, including clinical, pharmacy, labs, prior authorization, eligibility and cost information, directly in your hands within your EMR at the point of care.

Join the UnitedHealthcare Network
Access steps to start the credentialing or recredentialing process to become part of our network.

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Reports and quality programs
Reports and quality programs to help providers identify opportunities to improve member outcomes and practice efficiency.

UnitedHealthcare Insights
Helps you make data-driven decisions with a single, unified tool for reviewing and acting on UnitedHealthcare data, all in one place.

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Health care professional education and training
Access our full range of training available to health care professionals.

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Network News
Your go-to source for administration, clinical and operations updates from UnitedHealthcare.

Emergency notifications and support
Support for health care professionals and members affected by severe weather and other emergencies.

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Acute Hospital Care at Home program
A CMS program for health care professionals to help more members receive care at time when hospitals are overburdened.

Behavioral health resources
Resources to help primary care providers screen patients for depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and alcohol/substance misuse.

Coordination of care
List of helpful tools and resources to support coordination of care for your patients.  

General resources for Community Plans

General resources for commercial and Individual Exchange plans

HouseCalls is a yearly in-home assessment service available to eligible members of Medicare Advantage plans, at no cost to the member.

Patient health and safety

Skilled nursing facilities
Resources related to skilled nursing facilities, including brochures for patient education, support for billing and reimbursement, and a special focus on Medicare Advantage.

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Cancer Support program
Our Cancer Support program provides individualized coaching and education for adult and pediatric patients who may be at high risk for treatment complications or side effects.

Cancer Therapy Pathways program
Using designated care regimens when treating UnitedHealthcare commercial plan members can lead to rewards for you. Selected through our rigorous evaluation process, these Cancer Therapy Pathways are detailed protocols for specific cancer types and stages.

Oncology Pay for Performance (P4P) program
With the P4P program, oncology care providers can receive incentives for enhancing the quality and value of care they provide to their cancer patients.

NCCN drugs and biologics compendium – Free access.

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Maternity support for UnitedHealthcare Community Plans
Notification of pregnancy information and maternity support programs designed to help you care for your patients.

NICU Genetic Testing program
Create a unique, personalized care plan for each neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) patient using a pre-approved rapid genetic test.

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Cultural competency
Training and resources available to support equitable health care for all.

Social drivers of health
Training and resources available to support patients and their social drivers of health.

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Drug lists and pharmacy
Access pharmacy resources, tools and references for health care professionals.

Additional resources

Join the UnitedHealthcare Network
Access steps to start the credentialing or recredentialing process to become part of our network.

Provider forms
Easily access and download all UnitedHealthcare provider forms in one convenient location.

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