Our Clinical Care and Coordination Program is a comprehensive provider and member engagement program designed to influence the best outcomes for members with diabetes.
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Find our library of free COPE CE courses and other provider education resources to help you care for patients and support your practice.
Created In collaboration with Prevent Blindness for patients who have diabetes.
Have a question about using providers.eyesynergy.com or need more information from UnitedHealthcare I March Vision Care?
Important vision plan updates for 2025
Stay informed about member benefit changes for the new year.
January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month
January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. Spread the word about how regular eye exams can help prevent the irreversible damage caused by glaucoma.
Lab spotlight: New Modern Optical frames available
Check out our new Provider Training Academy
New Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and Eye Health COPE-accredited CE course
Louisiana providers: Opt in to join our lab network
Minnesota providers: UnitedHealthcare Community Plan termination on Jan. 1
Stay connected: Eye care providers and primary care providers
Coordination of care among our member’s eye care providers and primary care providers is crucial, especially to those diagnosed with chronic conditions.
November is National Diabetes Month
Help raise awareness about diabetic eye disease, a leading cause of blindness in today’s world.
Ensure timely payments and avoid claim delays
Lab spotlight: New Modern Optical frames available now
Louisiana, Washington, D.C., and Mississippi providers: Benefit summary updates
Covering telemedicine routine vision exams
Make sure you are familiar with our telemedicine guidelines and requirements.
Updates on Federal Trade Commission’s Eyeglass Rule
Important changes aimed at promoting competition and consumer choice.
August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month
Help raise awareness and educate parents about the importance of maintaining optimal eye health in children.
Be prepared for new security enhancements to your providers.eyesynergy.com account
To further protect your data, we’ll soon require providers.eyesynergy.com users to implement additional methods to verify their identity.
July is Dry Eye Awareness Month
Help educate your patients on the common symptoms of dry eye disease and the importance of early detection.
Lab spotlight: Safeguarding member data
See how we protect member information on order details.
New Mexico providers: New benefit plans and mandatory Medicaid enrollment
New York providers: Reminder to complete required annual cultural training course
Become certified in our Clinical Care and Coordination Program
Our Clinical Care and Coordination Program is a comprehensive provider and member engagement program to influence the best outcomes for diabetic patients.
April is Women’s Eye Health Awareness Month
Help educate patients on women’s eye health and ways to protect their vision.
May is Healthy Vision Month
Healthy Vision Month is a reminder to check in with your patients regarding the importance of proactive eye care and eye health.
Making a difference in the lives of patients who have diabetes
Our Clinical Care and Coordination Program can help influence the best outcome for diabetic members.
February is Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Low Vision Awareness Month
Help build awareness and educate patients about early detection and new advances in treatments to make this disease more manageable.
Important 2024 vision plan updates
Stay informed about member benefit changes for the new year.
Not able to generate a member confirmation?
Here’s what you should do.
January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month
January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. Spread the word about how regular eye exams can help prevent the irreversible damage caused by glaucoma.
Important information regarding Medicaid redeterminations in your state
States can use redeterminations to decide if individuals and their family members qualify for coverage through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This change went into effect April 1, 2023.
Explore our new COPE-accredited What’s New in Glaucoma Management CE course
Review the increasing use of SLT as a first-line therapy, its clinical study rationale, the advent of micro-invasive glaucoma shunts (MIGS) and a future view of what glaucoma management may look like.
Become certified in our Clinical Care and Coordination Program to help influence the best outcomes for diabetic members during National Diabetes-related Eye Disease Month
November is National Diabetes Month. Spread the word about how people with diabetes can protect their vision and partner with us to help screen and monitor patients with diabetes, including the potential for diabetic retinopathy.
Important information regarding Medicaid redeterminations in your state
States can use redeterminations to decide if individuals and their family members qualify for coverage through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This change went into effect April 1, 2023.
One Healthcare ID is now required to log into your providers.eyesynergy.com account
Learn how to set up your One Healthcare ID account to access our portal
Explore our new COPE-accredited medically necessary contact lens CE course
Designed to give you and your staff a current update of various contact lens options for patients with common diagnoses requiring medically necessary contact lenses
Ensure timely payments and avoid delays
Here are some helpful tips to get paid as quickly as possible
Lab spotlight: New frames for the Freedom of Choice – Plus program
Modern Optical recently added 18 new frames to their selection
August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month
Explore ways to educate parents and caregivers about the importance of proactive eye care and safety measures for children
Check out our monthly live trainings aimed at supporting your practice
Our trainings help you and your staff have a full understanding of UnitedHealthcare I March Vision Care and how we can best work together.
Explore our updated COPE accredited Health Equity Foundations CE course
This course defines health equity and shares strategies to promote health equity at your practice.
Influencing the best outcomes for diabetic patients
You can become certified in our Clinical Care and Coordination program to help screen and monitor patients with diabetes, including the potential for diabetic retinopathy. Learn how to become certified today.
June is Cataract Awareness Month
Help us educate the public on the risk factors, symptoms and surgeries available to help prevent and manage cataracts.
Where in the world is UnitedHealthcare | March Vision Care?
See the different conferences and events we’ve attended across the country to meet, and hear directly from providers.
Important information regarding Medicaid redeterminations in your state
As of April 1, 2023, states can begin redeterminations to decide if individuals and their family members qualify for coverage through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Learn how that impacts you and your practice.
Kentucky providers: Modifier codes are required for polycarbonate lenses
Ohio providers: Are your PNM affiliation steps complete to avoid claims payment issues?
Live trainings aimed at supporting your practice
Learn how to use our portal, where to find important materials, and more about our processes and requirements to successfully serve our vision member
Lab spotlight: New frames for the Freedom of Choice – Plus program
Modern Optical continues to grow its selection of new frames in 2023.
The importance of women’s eye health
See how you can educate the public on the increased risk for women and vision health issues, as well as steps that can be taken to prevent vision loss.
New COPE accredited diagnosis and management of ocular symptoms related to concussion and acquired brain injury course now available
Our newest COPE accredited CE course focuses on the evaluation and management of oculomotor symptoms that are associated with acquired brain injuries due to concussion, stroke and other causes
Ohio providers: Important updates to Medicaid claims processes and credentialing